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Other Publications

  1. Barnes MP, Barnes JC. Cannabis:the evidence for medical use. All Party Parliamentary Group for Drug Policy Reform, September 2016.

  2. Barnes M.  Medical Marijuana: Should cannabis be prescribed or not?  The Hippocratic Post.  April 2016

  3. Prospective, randomized, observer-blind, parallel-group, multi-center trial to assess efficacy and safety of two different dilutions of NT 201 (Xeomin) in patients with upper limb spasticity.  (Co-ordinating investigator for study by Merz Pharmacetuicals) 

  4. Barnes M, Wittchen H, Levy S, Gauci D.  Improving life for people living with brain disease: psychosocial aspects.  Chapter in European Brain Council Consensus Document – 2010 Revision. 

  5. Barnes M.  How to adjust the dose, the volume and the number of injections to optimize the effect of botulinum toxin A at target muscles? From theory to practice.  Ipsen Newsletter 2008

  6. Barnes MP.  Botulinum toxin.  Open Door MS Trust Newsletter.  February 2008

  7. British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine, Association of Personal Injury Lawyers and Royal College of Physicians – Joint Speciality Committee in Rehabilitation.  Guide to best practice at the interface between rehabilitation and the medico-legal process.  (Co-Chairs: Grahame Codd and Michael Barnes).  BSRM, London 2006

  8. Barnes MP.  Abstract Review: Current Research & Expert Commentary.  Management of spasticity.  Medical Education Network, April 2002 (Guest Editor)

  9. Barnes M, Bhakta B, Moore P et al.  The management of adults with spasticity using botulinum toxin: A guide to clinical practice.  Radius Healthcare, Surrey. 2001 CD-ROM: Arm rehabilitation measurement.  Measuring arm function in neurological rehabilitation: qualitative and quantitative approaches.  EU Tide Project DE4203

  10. Barnes MP, Benecke R, Brashear A, et al.  Neuromuscular blockade with botulinum toxin: past present and future.  Review and Recommendations from an Expert Panel Meeting.  Elan Pharmaceuticals 2001

  11. Barnes MP.  Management and treatment of multiple sclerosis within primary care.  Primary Care in the New NHS (APCGT) Autumn 2000; 125-126 & 132

  12. Barnes MP.   What is head injury?  2nd Ed.  Headway, National Head Injuries Association Booklet 2000

  13. Barnes MP (Chair of Working Party).  Basics of best practice in the management of multiple sclerosis.  A report by the MS Society and the Multiple Sclerosis Research Trust.  London, 1999

  14. Barnes MP.  Modern management of spasticity: using a combined approach.  Progress in Neurology & Psychiatry 1999; 3(3): 26-30

  15. Barnes MP.  Foreword for Parkinson’s and Driving.  McMillan J, Turner G (Eds).  Parkinson’s Disease Society, London 1998

  16. British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine.  Rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury.  A working party report of the British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine.  BSRM, London 1998.  Member of Working Party.

  17. Barnes MP.  Foreword for Spasticity Rehabilitation.  Sheean G (Ed).  Churchill Communications Europe Ltd, London 1998

  18. Barnes MP, Stephenson J.  Rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis.  Multiple Sclerosis Clinical & Laboratory Research 1998; 4: S16

  19. Barnes MP.  Newcastle Community MS Team.  Way Ahead.  News From the MS Nurse Forum, Issue No 1, 1997

  20. Jones C, Barnes MP.  Multiple sclerosis: a new approach.  Primary Health Care 1996; 6(8)

  21. Barnes MP.  Rehabilitation medicine - new wine in an old bottle.  The Darlington Postgraduate 1994; 13: 49-51

  22. Barnes MP.  A new-style therapist for the real world.  Therapy Weekly 1994; 20: 47

  23. Barnes MP.  Community based rehabilitation - international perspectives and current priorities. ActionAid Disability News 1993; 4: 3-5 

  24. Williams AC, Barnes MP, Brookes GB, et al (Eds).  The Management of Focal Dystonia.  Porton Products 1993

  25. British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine/Association of British Neurologists/Neuro Concern of Medical Charities.   Neurological Rehabilitation in the United Kingdom - Report of a Working Party 1993.  Member of Working Party.

  26. Barnes MP.   What is head injury? - Headway, National Head Injuries Association Booklet 1993

  27. Barnes MP.  The efficacy of Tizanidine in the treatment of  spasticity in  patients  with multiple sclerosis.  Sandoz Pharmaceuticals 1991

  28. Northern Regional Health Authority Advisory Committee on Disability.  Services for people with a physical disability in the Northern Region.  Northern Regional Health Authority 1989.  Chairman of Committee and author of report

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